
Twinkie™ Strawberry Shortcake

Serves: 12


When my sister-in-law made this recipe for a family dinner, everyone thought she had worked her tail off in the kitchen. She shared the secret of this quick and easy dessert only with the women. Now it’s become our inside joke when we make it—the men think we’ve slaved away for them.


–Debbie Johnston, St. Augustine, Florida


10 Twinkies, halved lengthwise
1 (16-ounce) package frozen strawberries in syrup, refrigerated until just thawed
1 (8-ounce) container frozen nondairy whipped topping, thawed


Arrange half of the Twinkies, cut side up, in a 9 by 13-inch baking dish. Top with half of the strawberries, then half of the whipped topping. Repeat the layers of Twinkies, strawberries, and whipped topping. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, about 1 hour.

Cut into squares and serve.